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Thursday, 12 January 2012

US Marines urinating on Taliban corpses

From childhood we read and watch fairytales and Disney films which usually go something like this; beautiful boy is born, beautiful girl is born, at least one is elite or from royalty in order for the pauper to eventually get lucky and also become royal or rich, and if we readers and watchers are really lucky (Sleeping Beauty) both will be of the blue blood variety. Even when the beautiful and slim girl is also rich and unfortunate, she will inevitably suffer some hardship. This hardship is caused by someone ugly, monstrous, usually another woman. This suffering may last for years, no matter how long its duration, the girl will never have the initiative or strength to do anything about it herself. The evil forces head for a duel, ending in a climactic scene in which the prize, the beautiful helpless girl, is rescued by the handsome and valiant young buck.

Then you hit puberty and watch Hollywood movies with explosions and real life beautiful and skinny people, so much of the same happens except the point is driven home more clearly; that vengeance and violence is OK as long as you are the GOOD GUY. So you tell me who is the good guy?

'Kill Team Afghanistan' In the photo, Morlock grins and gives a thumbs-up sign as he poses with 15-year-old Mudin’s body. Note that the boy’s right pinky finger appears to have been severed. Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs reportedly used a pair of razor-sharp medic’s shears to cut off the finger, which he presented to Holmes as a trophy for killing his first Afghan. - Rolling Stone magazine

1 comment:

  1. Uneducated people who are a product of the american society. These people should equally be pissed on after they have been brutally murdered!
