Continuing from my weird week, my friend and I went for a bite to eat in the evening at our local and were subjected to aggressive verbal abuse continually for a good half an hour. He decided to pick on two small women and called us everything he could, 'informers', 'racists' and in calling us racist he proclaimed he would never again touch a fork if we had touched it. 'Chinese, Indian, they're all racist!', I guess he didn't know what race we were so said the two races that he had heard of. He also said 'They try to be black, look at them, they listen to our music (I'm partial to a bit of Rihanna but c'mon), they try to dress like us, look at them with their baggy jeans, before they used to dress in tight jeans like batty boys (err both of us aren't wearing baggy jeans), they don't even bathe, their pussy's stink!' (Sexism rears its ugly head again surprise surprise, see 'Women's role in the Arab world').
His older friend then came in and asked the guy working at the restaurant why his friend was so angry and if he was conspiring with
those two girls. My friend laughed at this whole absurdity and he came right up to us and stared at us with his cross-eyed ugly face in an attempt at intimidation 'Don't laugh at me ya nah, I'm a big man, don't laugh at me'. My friend retorted 'I'll say what I like, what are you going to do?' My mouth is usually pretty big & trust me, there have been loads of times where men have wanted to punch me in the face but I said to her to leave it cos he was clearly MENTAL. (Just like 'grass root' Torys, you cannot reason with mental people.) He then took a banana from the counter, ate it in front of us and said 'black people like to eat bananas'. I eat bananas too, but I don't think that was the point he was making.
My friend suggested that weed had gone to their head, for me I like to think that they were possessed. Why else would they have picked on us of all people, for no reason at all? At least they have an excuse for their bitterness, stereotyping and general nonsensical rants, but what about the politicians of the world?...
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