I don't know why it's Asda in particular but every time I go there I think wow, if I was a member of the BNP and I came in here I would just shoot myself in the head right there and then. Trying to find a white English person in Asda such as the woman on the tram, is like trying to find Nicalagala on the map. It's not just Asda people! There is evidently loads of 'us', as the video shows, but fear not BNP/EDL/Chav we still comprise less than 10% of the UK population (that's about the same as the gay population) and we mostly exist in London, the most cosmopolitan place on earth, you know the financial centre of the world? Which exists in the e-c-o-n-o-m-y, globalisation, no haven't heard of any of these words?
If she thinks we have ruined 'her' Britain, why doesn't SHE just fuck off somewhere else in Britain where there are plenty of people who genetically resemble her. There are loads of places where she does not have to look at us browns and blacks, and I'm sure there are loads of job opportunities for her in those places too hmmm. These places will still be full of people that stare at me when I go into a restaurant and ask me if I speak English (*cough cough* Blackpool). Xenophobia exists in any country of the world, in South Africa, African immigrants including people escaping Mugabe's regime, have been lynched on the basis that they are 'stealing' jobs. What is race anyway? What are countries anyway? Mostly borders drawn up by the... duh duh duuuuh... that's right, MY BRITAIN.
See http://raraproductions.blogspot.com/ & http://anbarrockny.blogspot.com/
I actually do hope people who are coloured eventually leave the UK and then we can see what a pile of rubbish it will turn into without "brown and black" people like us.