“The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages”
Anyway it is obvious that many people hate religion, (the programme really focussing on Muslims in Bradford) judging by the ever lasting popularity of google searching atheism and finding me. In regards to the programme one tweeter wrote 'Praying 5 times a day FUCKING WHY?!'
I retorted 'What kind of question is that? Why do people smoke 20 times a day, why do people drink every week, why do people watch TV every day?' as it seemed bizarre to me as to why someone would have a problem with how many times someone prayed.
This person, like many others, thought that praying to a deity we don't even know exists was a waste of time (fair enough but we all waste time) and moreover didn't like the idea of someone feeling obligated to do something because of religion and fear. It's a strange argument because as much as we all like to think we are free, we are NOT. We do things, consciously or unconsciously, either because everybody else does it, (or our particular society or family) or because of fear. Following fashion is self-explanatory. And there is nobody out there that can really tell me they never ever ever did something or did not do something purely because of the fear of the consequences, whether that comes from God or the law or hurting someone or whatever. It would be nice if everyone was a nice person and did not commit horrid crimes just because they are a good person but wake up this is not the case! People think religion is a strain and it is just a tool to make people conform but are you not conforming yourself by obeying laws made by men in suits?
People complain A LOT about immigrants not assimilating or integrating but what does that really mean? Changing your identity to be as alike to British people as possible? Conforming into nothingness? Say our life conforms to expectancies and we die as old folk on our death beds. When we're there do you think that devout Muslim Rashid will regret his life spent praying? When Tom, Dick and Harry are on their death beds do you think they will regret their life of conformity, of partying, of watching tv, of buying things they don't need, of worshipping nobody but themselves? Mull it over and think about what you want to flash before your eyes before you die, whenever that may be...
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