Education Secretary Michael Gove
"For too long the system has been devalued by attempts to pretend that all qualifications are intrinsically the same. Young people have taken courses that have led nowhere."
Another day brings another initiative which is thinly veiled and is just another attack on the poor. 3,175 vocational courses will no longer be equivalent to two GCSEs, leaving only 70 courses which the toffs/Tories deem as relevant. These courses were made precisely as an alternative to those who are not academic and would better thrive in a more practical course in which they actually have interest, but the Tories see these courses as courses for working class dummies which enable them to falsify the success of their GCSE results. Seeing as I didn't go to fucking Eton and I actually went to a school where 99.9% of the students were from a working class background I can tell you that this move is foolish. I myself missed the implementation of vocational courses by a year and felt fairly envious that others had the chance to pursue courses that were practical and actually enjoyable; what I viewed as a paradox in the education system. Instead I got to do conventional GCSEs and ended up with an endless supply of supply teachers who did not care about us and yet at the same time, actually hated us! I hope you can agree that I would have wanted to do a vocational course not because I'm thick, (I was of the 26% who actually achieved 5 A-Cs in GCSEs in my year) but because it would have been a great opportunity as academia did not and still does not interest me very much.
But you've got to give it to the toffs, at least their attack on the working class and the education of the working class is consistent. They think that if everyone had a similar education to them then Britain will become better, note similar not the same, don't be absurd we can't all be equal! Even if their elitist thinking was right and if we all did English, maths, science and more boring bullshit subjects today's children would suddenly become educated and well-integrated into society where will they actually end up? They want kids to have Eton-esque education but only up to a certain point. They pretend to nurture the brats to do 'real' subjects all throughout school but try and go to university and you will find yourself at the end of the road! Unless you want at least £30,000+ worth of debt at the age of 21 that is. Plus no guarantee of a job. Plus competing with millions of other graduates who went to Red Brick universities. Plus a shit economy especially for graduates. Either way if you go or you don't, just remember that WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, translation; WE'RE ALL PRETTY MUCH FUCKED.
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