'Innocent until proven Muslim'
One of the things that kids used to love saying, I dunno, maybe they still do, is 'I can do what I want, it's a free country'. Even now, in relation to politics and revolutions, we often use the word 'freedom'. Why is it so important yet it remains so elusive? Not just in terms of actually gaining this thing called freedom but what it actually means. One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter, typifying that the definition is not clear. Free doesn't cost anything yet it is still being fought for (by people) and is so feared (by governments).
When we are finally 'free' like we are in good ol Blighty, we tend to follow the law senselessly anyway. 'The law of the land', another cliché we like to cite, especially when it comes to immigrants and bearded clerics who we barely register as human beings equal to ourselves. We regard 'the law' so highly, but lots of laws are shit. They are chopped and changed by shitty people when it suits them. Current government: let's change the law to make life more shit for the bottom but not for the top, because the reason the country hasn't got any money is because of the poor, oh wait, hold on, that's not right.... we've actually given all our money to remedy the bad investments made by millionaires, that is LAWFUL but over-claiming benefits is not. Yup that makes sense. Oh never mind, law is still really important, especially when Defence Secretary Phillip Hammond comes on Question Time and says if we don't like the law we should just change it, we meaning white men in suits who do not know about the normal struggles of normal people. That's how important our laws are, he says we should just change the law and chuckles.
The right-wing press and our right-wing government are baying for Abu Qatada's blood. They have already blatantly ignored the law of the land and our free country by keeping him in prison for a whopping six and a half years without charge. It has taken that long for the European Court of Human Rights to rule his detention unlawful, I could have told the government that in six and a half seconds, not that they did not know his detention was unlawful. Now he has paid by losing six and a half years of his life because of the nature of our free country, a prolonged justice system. Not only has his detention proven we don't need Guantanamo to ignore the laws of our land but the government also want to deport him, because of the huge symbolism that would represent; that WE are in charge of our borders and not Brussels/ Strasbourg or whoever else can be possibly blamed for our 'problems'. If you are brown/black and especially bearded, and you don't like our country you can get out! proving that we still have not moved passed the 'let's just move all the criminals to a country we don't care about (Australia)' theory. Our government are bullies, and as much as they can try and infuriatingly and patronisingly deny it, they have still not moved on from their colonialist tendencies. WE can go into other countries and basically do what we please, or even put a stranglehold on their economies from the safety of our free country but if one 'hate preacher' comes to our country and denounces us, Cameron forbid!
It is obvious that 99% of governments are more into the glory and symbolism of being able to kick so-called extremist clerics out than real governance, but if we really had to fear him, wouldn't it be best to keep him here and keep an eye on him? Until they can kick him out (pshhh we'll see), that is exactly what they are going to do, enforcing a 22 hour curfew, a phone, internet and Mosque ban on him, which will inevitably be ruled illegal anyway. If there is anything that would make me want to terrorise, it would be exactly what they are doing to him, no? Proving that mind over matter is only right to a certain extent. But how oh how would the government be able to avoid the inevitable headlines such as 'Qatada is costing the taxpayer millions'? Hmmm it's a tough one, let's just pass him onto our Western puppet, sorry I mean buddy, and then we can rub our hands of him and claim a victory against terrorism. Terrorism, that thing we were fighting remember? In order to preserve the law of the land and our free country.
Right-wing Daily Maily reading apes are in agreement that this country is a bit of a joke, but for totally different reasons, the top rated comments on the Abu Qatada story include,
'If the horrible creature refuses to recognize the western culture surely he should refuse their protection on principle? He obviously is a hypocrite and a fat ugly one at that.'
'Just DEPORT the nerd,i have to get up 6 mornings a week on just above minimum wage to pay my taxes for people like him to live in comfort.I have not had a holiday for three years for my three children and wife.Come on lotto please get me out of this country.'
I started to write about these comments but where do you start?! Of course the worst rated comments luckily remind me that there are people who have common sense in my beloved country.
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